Introducing the Tech Bros Show: A Higher Interest Rates Podcast
Why start a weekly podcast show in 2023? Aren’t there already too many pontificating talking heads in the tech world? When is enough…

Why start a weekly podcast show in 2023? Aren’t there already too many pontificating talking heads in the tech world? When is enough enough?
Most tech podcasts these days are run by pool boys. These shows are full of softball questions and exist to serve the overinflated egos of the podcast hosts and guests.
What’s a low interest rates pool boy, you ask?
It’s someone who exists only to stir water around, often completely surplus in form and function. Pool boys appear and start making content and having podcasts and throwing bad ideas into the morass whenever interest rates are too low.
Tech companies have on-staff influencer pool boys these days. Some venture capital firms even have pool boys. Many venture capitalists are in fact pool boys themselves, just stirring up content, mixing up the water in various online communities to pump their portfolio investments, throwing money into the umpteenth coupon app or creator coin or infrastructure-as-code play. Yes, even some founders are pool boys.

Even worse than pool boys are fireside chats, another low interest rates phenomenon.
Many pool boys brand their podcasts or shows or webinars as fireside chats, pretending to be 32nd President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Fireside chats were how FDR addressed the American public during the Great Depression and World War II, when millions of citizens were living in poverty and dying in the mud trying to take back France from the Nazis.
Today, there are fireside chats on the future of Web3.
There are fireside chats on crypto.
There are fireside chats on Modern Data Stacks, AI Data Stacks, Streaming Data Stacks, Real-Time Data Stacks, and Lakehouse Data Stacks.
There are fireside chats with career advice on how to transition from a manager who manages managers to a manager who manages managers managing managers.
There are fireside chats with Mark Cuban.

Is anything of value ever said in these fireside chats? No, it’s usually just toxic positivity and hot air fueled by cheap capital and risky investment decisions.
The Tech Bros Show Will Lead the Way Forward
Moderately higher interest rates are here to stay, and with this there are some hard reality checks that need to take place in tech.
Layoffs in tech are unlikely to be over. In fact, we may only be getting started and additional 20%-30% haircuts across the board may come in the next few months.
As grifter after grifter becomes exposed, as tech startups that only sell to other tech startups die off, as job titles like ‘Senior Manager of Growth Engineering’ wither away, there will be a new way forward:
- Honest material that gets to the meat of real issues and trends.
- No softballs or fluff for the sake of filling the air.
- Interesting content.
Put simply, we believe a good show needs to make you think, not just celebrate what you already thought you knew.
We also believe that people need to think in paragraphs, not blurbs, which is why we want to hear the whole story and explore thought processes with our guests.
Even better, the Tech Bros Show is a swag-forward organization. We are going to have all kinds of great swag.

I am elated to be joined by fellow Tech Bro Mary MacCarthy, an award-winning journalist I’ve gotten to know well over the last year. She’s someone who is not afraid to ask the hard questions and find the story, and we’re excited to partner.
Right now, we’re livestreaming on Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn every Friday at 1 PM US Eastern Time / 10 AM Pacific and then posting to YouTube and the socials and all the podcast networks.
No pool boys, no fireside chats, just reality.