We’re Entering the Golden Age of Gen Xers Murdering Their Parents for Their Houses
MyPillow will help usher in The Great Generational Wealth Transfer, the largest homo sapien mass extinction event of all time. Mike Lindell…

MyPillow will help usher in The Great Generational Wealth Transfer, the largest homo sapien mass extinction event of all time. Mike Lindell may be the most powerful man in the world.
Many of my big, thematic ideas over the next few years involve The Great Generational Wealth Transfer. Millions of Silent Generation and Baby Boomers are beginning to die off en masse as part of the largest homo sapien mass extinction event of all time.
These soon-to-dies will leave behind estates to their children, the bulk of which for most people is related to residential real estate, and the bulk of these beneficiaries the next few years are what we collectively know as Gen Xers, or people born between 1965 and 1980.
Per Investopedia:
-The Great Wealth Transfer will see trillions of dollars transferred from baby boomers to younger generations over a 20-year span.
-The influx of wealth will create opportunities for younger Americans to reshape their finances.
-Estate planning and investment strategies are key to successful wealth transfer.
-Open communication can help prevent family conflicts and position heirs to maximize their newfound wealth.
The question is not whether The Great Generational Wealth Transfer will happen. The main questions are:
- How quickly will this mass death event potentially get pulled forward?
- How will these transfers of estates be taxed?
- How will this money be allocated by its new owners?
Most of this can be boiled down to: How much are Gen Xers going to kill their parents to get their inheritances sooner?
For most people, inheriting one’s parents’ house (or at least most of its cash value if the house is liquidated) will be the single greatest financial windfall of one’s life. Inheriting even a modest home in most parts of the United States right now will yield in the middle six-figures. This is about several years of salaried income for most people, a half decade or more of work.
This means paying off credit cards. This means retiring earlier. It may mean not having to work at all any more. This means moving to a beach and marrying a bartender half your age. This is financial freedom for many Gen Xers, as soon as mom and dad are out of the way and the house is freed up and in the Gen Xer’s possession.
The only problem?
Well, the housing market in much of the country seems at a peak. In much of the country inventory isn’t moving at the desired asset prices.
If you are in your 50s waiting for your 80–85 year old mom and dad to die on their own, you may be waiting 2, 3, 5, or even more years to unlock your windfall. That house you are to receive is at a peak price right now plus the longer mom and dad burn through their savings just by living longer, the less you, the Gen Xer, will receive.
That $700k house that you could probably sell at a markdown of $600k today may be only worth $400k in 2 years from now.
You’re waiting 2 years for $200k less, plus whatever mom and dad burned through on end-of-life medical care. There’s too much variance. There’s too much speculation. There’s too much risk. It’s much better for you financially if mom and dad can offload their house now.
Gen X also just went for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris, the biggest surprise of the election, as every other age group went for Harris.

WaPo also reported on this trend of Gen Xer women leaning toward Trump leading up to the election.
POLITICO also reported on this trend of Gen Xers leaning toward Trump in 2023.
The Democrats didn’t listen.
Gen X doesn’t want to be taxed on their bequeathments. They can see the prize ahead of them. Mom’s getting a bit more wheezy and out of breath on phone calls. Dad fell down again. That windfall is closer than ever before. They can taste that sweet, sweet inheritance.
There’s only one problem: you voted for Trump to protect taxes from being raised on your bequeathment, your windfall, your big payday when mom and dad die, yet Trump and running mate and soon-to-be VP J.D. Vance have said repeatedly that they’re going to start mass deportations.
Uh oh. If we start removing thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, multiple millions(?) of people, especially if concentrated in states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas which are already in housing bubbles, that means house prices will fall much quicker. There simply won’t be as many homo sapiens around to fill the demand to keep house prices high.
If you’re a Gen Xer and you’re awaiting your bequeathment, and that bequeathment value is heavily tied to a house, and mom and dad are hanging on not selling the house, not moving into an elderly care facility, not dying, you the Gen Xer are going to be out a few hundred thousand dollars AND you’re going to be stuck waiting for it.
It’s simply time for Gen Xers to murder mom and dad, or whichever one is still hanging on. That house needs to go now and that wealth transfer has to be pulled forward a year or two or three or five instead of waiting around for mom and dad to die of natural causes.
But how do you do it? How do you pull the wealth transfer forward?
Murdering the Elderly With Pillows is as American as Apple Pie and Very Common Already
Murdering the elderly and weakened with pillows to gain access to inheritance and housing is so ingrained into American culture that here is an entire list of examples of this from TV, literature, film, and other media.
Everyone is killing the elderly and weakened with pillows all the time, for financial gain.
This is so common in American/Western culture that it appears in our highest rated dramas and comedies.
There are countless real life examples of people who were caught murdering or attempting to murder the elderly with pillows:
- From 2019, this Arizona woman admitted to killing her 79 year-old mother with a pillow. She was caught because she told on herself.
- From May of 2024, this Iowa woman was found guilty of killing her stepmother with a pillow in a dispute related to housing.
- From 2008, this British man was found guilty of attempting to murder his 82 year-old mother with a pillow, duvet, and sheet to gain access to a £40,000 inheritance.
- From 2022, here’s a murder-for-hire story out of Santa Barbara, California where a 96 year-old woman was smothered in her sleep as part of a plot that led to the transfer of her property worth at least $4M.
- There is an entire real crime Paramount+ show from 2024 called Pillowcase Murders that covers how a serial killer murdered dozens of elderly women with pillows and stole high value goods such as jewelry.
There are hundreds of these cases available in searching through Google and court documents…and these are just the people who got caught!
So if you’re a Gen Xer and your mom and dad aren’t doing well, they don’t want to liquidate the house and move to a nursing home while the house price is high …
And Trump is going to start mass deporting people, and we all know when population leaves a local geography it drives down housing prices, as it’s simple supply and demand…
And the economy is bad and you’re in your 40s or 50s or coming up on your 60s as a low- or middle-income salary earner and it’s hard to find a new job or increase your annual salaried income…
And now you’re consuming more Trump-related media…
It’s now time to buy your murder weapon — the pillow — to cleanly and quietly murder mom and dad to get your inheritance.
Who is selling the most pillows/murder weapons to Trump supporters? Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow.
Chekhov’s Gun: If a Seemingly Random Guy Selling Pillows Appears in Act I, The Pillows Must Have a Meaning By the End of the Play

Many people have scratched their heads at why the MyPillow guy is so deeply entrenched hawking pillows in conservative media and why Trump embraced Mike Lindell in his first term and gave the pillow guy so much airtime. After all, pillows don’t really have much to do with left or right politics and Mike Lindell isn’t a big political heavy hitter.
It’s been a real Chekhov’s Gun situation. It’s always seemed out of place to many. What is the point of MyPillow going so hard selling pillows to conservative audiences?
Well, for many Gen Xers the most pressing economic issue for them in their own lives is getting their Silent Generation/Boomer parents’ house handed over to them, and the best way to achieve that is suffocating one’s parent with a pillow to unlock the inheritance and get the six- or seven-figure windfall, now, today, ASAP.
Mike Lindell may be the most powerful person in America right now, or at least the one who can move forward the most Silent/Boomer deaths a few years and really accelerate The Great Generational Wealth Transfer.
How many pillow murders are committed on the elderly every year in the United States? 1,000, call it roughly 3 per day? 10,000, call it 30 per day? 100,000, call it 300 per day?
It’s the perfect crime — put an ailing or already sick parent out of their misery 1, 2, 3 years earlier than expected, leave no trace, no bullet, no stab wound, no poison to show up in a toxicology report, and get your windfall now.
“She was just old, and old people tend to die more often than young people,” they will say.
The number one thing that will improve the lives of lower- and middle-income Gen Xers is getting their hands on their parents’ houses as quickly as possible, with as few taxes and transaction fees as possible.
The age of the Karen meme “talking to the manager” is over. The age of the Jennifer quietly murdering her elderly parents is here. In some cases, a Jennifer will be using a MyPillow to murder her Karen mother.

Watch this space. Trade it hard.